mindful mondays

I enjoyed the group discussions as it is thought provoking and interesting to hear different perspectives.
— Charles


Isn’t time to live mindfully and stop blowing with the worldy winds to reduce your own discontentment with life?

Mindfulness is for every day of the week, but let’s start with Mondays. This is a live online meditation and mindfulness session for beginners. Each week a different topic is discussed to enhance your mindfulness practice. If you are keen to develop your meditation skill, this class is essential to understand the fundamentals of the mindfulness sutra originated from the Buddha over 2,500 years ago.

All the 8 week mindfulness courses developed by Jon Kabat Zinn, which are delivered today originate from this original source. Some of the topics include how the brain works, understanding the power of intention, preparing the ground for mindfulness and how to integrate it into your daily life which will be covered in these sessions.

Watch the video above to see what is discussed during the sessions.

The LIVE class is Every Monday at 8pm

The cost is £15 per session.

The Mindfulness Courses are available to access right here and now for £80 per course. What they include are the content of the weekly sessions plus guided meditations to help with your practice.

The following courses are available (just click on the links to start now):

OR you can start the journey to become a peaceful warrior for £40 per month

An ideal way to start or
continue your Mindfulness journey online!